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October 26, 2024 (Saturday)

Choose the time best for you

9am-12:30pm MST

Seeking to love your womb space in sacred and healthy ways? Desiring to support your pelvic floor, menopause journey, painful periods, trauma, loss/grief to gently weave respect and joy?
Join Tara, Guide & Founder of Earth Tantra, for an on zoom workshop, sacred circle, while learning the history, arts and pleasure of yoni steaming for healing and health.
Mothers and daughter duos are encouraged to attend. Ages 11-17 must attend with a female adult.  
$99 for 1 person OR $159 (2 people)

*This workshop is non-refundable since the recording is emailed to you. You do not have to attend live to receive.

For Who?  Anyone who is new or intermediate level to yoni steaming.   Ages 11 - 111 are welcome to attend.  Ages 11 - 17 must attend with a female adult.  It's never too late or early to connect and honor your sacred space. This workshop & ceremony is best for women who are excited to learn how to steam in the privacy of their own home, yet be in sacred circle with other women from around the world.

What?   Gather with a small intimate circle of women to explore, growing self intimacy in a supportive healing feminine space. Our focus will rest in the sacred space of the tantric root chakra, sacral chakra, heart chakra and body.  

Why?  Yoni and womb steaming is an ancient practice of blending special herbs to support pms symptoms, menopause, uterine floor support, relaxing muscles and tissues AND most importantly respecting and intimately connecting with our bodies.


Together We Will...

  • Create sacred space for all bodies, ages, backgrounds to commune in sisterhood

  • Open, soften and connect with the body and womb through womb meditation, breath, womb yoga and #stopconnectlistentrust to fully be present with our body's messages

  • Practice and learn the ancient ritual of Yoni Steam with organic herbs, of your choice, to soften our tissues and relax into sacred space for healing, vitality and soothing purposes

  • Release stuck energy and emotions (giving ourselves permission to feel into both the good & challenging)

  • Leave with a new sense of appreciation for our own unique body and energy

  • Be held and supported if faced with shadows or triggers for release in circle


  • An email containing directions of suggested herbs, preparation, zoom times, etc

  • Welcome video from Tara

  • Attendance in the 3 hr workshop and steaming ritual

  • Follow up email with additional resources

  • Free youtube womb meditation video to help you steam again in the future

  • Recorded video of the session you attended

  • One 30 minute follow up private virtual session w/Tara (good for up to one year) to ask questions, share more and learn how to expand your body and spiritual journey.

What to prepare 

  • 1 medium or large cooking pot for Yoni Steam

  • Quiet location to join the workshop and ritual 

  • Journal or paper

  • 1 long floor or ankle length blanket or skirt (you can change b4 steaming)

  • 1 meaningful item representing your womb space or similar

  • Comfortable clothing 

  • Your favorite tea (we will also take one 20 minute break to make more tea)

  • 1 large towel

  • Optional - yoga mat or extra blanket/ pillow.  

Tentative Schedule

  • 1st hour: Welcome, drop in, introductions, agreements, supplies, history and benefits

  • 2nd hour: womb yoga, breath and 20-25 minute preparation before steam

  • 3rd hour: Yoni steam with guided meditation, sacred reflection,shares, clean up and closing of circle

Yoni Investment

  • $99 - Single person

  • $159 - Sign up with a friend, daughter, mother, sister

Common Questions

Is this clothed? Yes, this workshop is clothed and covered. During the break, you'll have time to change into a floor length skirt or wrap a blanket around the bottom half of your body to steam. The welcome video will describe in detail. You will also have the option of turning off your camera during the steaming process to add a little more privacy if you'd like.

Can my daughter attend? Yes, any age of daughter between the ages of 11-17 can attend with an adult. If your daughter has started her bleeding cycle and is under the age of 11, please reach out to Tara first to make sure it's a good match for her.

Can I host a group at my house for this workshop? Yes, this is a wonderful idea! Please make sure that each person is registered. There are no further discounts, so taking advantage of the 2 person deal and gathering 4 women is very cost effective.

Can I steam if I'm on my period? This depends on the herbs and your cycle. Some women choose to steam with light herbs like lavender or chamomile that don't stimulate blood flow.  Please do NOT wear a tampon or mensurating cup during the steam. It's okay to bleed into the pot. The welcome email with video will suggest the right herbs for you.

Who should not steam? Anyone with open sores our wounds, right after having sex, if you think you might be pregnant or if you are bleeding heavy. If any of these situations are occuring during the workshop, you can 100% still participate and stand over room temperature water or no pot at all. The meditation and womb sweeping practices themselves are enough to deeply connect with the body. We encourage you to attend and learn to steam again on your own.

Why are their two times to choose from? Earth Tantra tries to be time inclusive for our sisters in various time zones, including our sisters in other countries around the world.


About Your Guide:  Tara L. Skubella is a Level 4 Certified Tantra Guide, Tantra/ Kundalini Yoga instructor, Earthing Expert , Death Doula, Integral Relationship Coach and Wisdom of the Earth Plant Practitioner.  She has worked with women in sacred sexuality and divine feminine ways since 2015.  Her personal journey with Tantra work empowered her to leave an unhealthy marriage to rediscover her own sexual energy and femininity. Since birthing Earth Tantra in 2015, Tara’s work has reached 1,000s of students and has guided over 50 group retreats. Some of you may also recognize Tara as a cast member of Naked and Afraid. Wilderness survival is important to her and she teaches survival at Red Rocks Community College. She has been featured in New York Times, Parade, Insider, Bustle, Mashable, and Swell and has presented Tantra and healing with nature practices at various conferences like Loving More, Women's Wilderness, Women of Wisdom and Southwest Outdoor Leadership.

Ready? OR sign up for a free 30 minute discovery session to talk with Tara first.

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