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Ways 2 Support & Give Back

Did you know from 2017-2023 nearly $15,147 was gifted in financial aid to Earth Tantra students?  This is contributed to financial donors, service trade, paying it forward and Earth Tantra matching contributions.   And another $3,000+ has been donated in supplies and materials.  
Paying it forward contribution means if you can't make an event, you have the option of gifting your spot to someone else instead of receiving a refund. 
Aid supports students who are already invested in the practice, time and partial financial fees for retreats and the 500 hr. Earth Tantra Teacher & Mentorship Course.  If you have already attended events or online programs in the past, and finances are holding you back from attending another event or certification course, please outreach to Tara today, and let's see how we can make your attendance work.

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Gifts Of Service 

Paying it Forward & Financial Gifts

  • Add on $25 to $100 toward the Earth Tantra Scholarship Fund when signing up for an event.

  • Contribute $100 to $1,000 toward the Earth Tantra Scholarship Fund anytime by sending your contribution via paypal to or 7205970320  OR contact Tara for other payment opportunities.

  • Can't make an event last minute?  Gift your event spot to someone for that event or future event and pay it forward.

  • *NOTE - Earth Tantra is NOT a non-profit organization. 

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