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Healing The Lower 4 Chakras
Mastering Tantric Breathwork Level 1
A Breath Medicine Journey: Root 2 Heart


Are you ready to build the foundation for authentic inner healing?

Learn to connect, move and master your chakra energy 
Trust over FearCreativity & Sexuality, Focus+ ConfidenceLove & Gratitude

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Root=Earth/ Sacral=Water/ Solar Plexus=Fire/ Heart=Air

Are you looking to deepen self awareness of your body and energetic tantric flow of both shadows and gifts?
Looking for a comprehensive and intimate inner healing practice to fully embody for life?
Have a hard time meditating due to ADHD, monkey mind or other reason?
Immerse into a 6 week to 3 month learn at your own pace pre-recorded journey in mastering tantric energy movement & body intimacy through basic tantric breathing. This is an intimate and whole medicine breath journey root to heart.  Sometimes we forget about our relationship to the body as we desire to be most connected with our higher self.  Yet, without the healing and opening of the lower 4 Chakras we will time and time again slip back into the trauma, shame, shadows & trauma held root to heart. When we open these pathways, our health & energetic wellness begin to flourish. 
Learn to  "tap" into your body, leave your monkey mind to literally feel deep within to build a relationship with your energy centers. 
Learn at your own pace - meaning you can move through the course material when the timing is best for you.  We highly recommend moving through each chakra within a 1 to 2 week period. There is no expectation to be "perfect" within the practice OR to fully open a particular chakra. Some chakras take months and months to connect with depending on the person. By the time you reach the heart, the energy flow will make sense, as well as the practice. After completely the course in it's entirety, Earth Tantra encourages you to go back to a chakra or two that could use more attention and nurture.  

Benefits of the course include:
Mastering Tantric Body Breath
Recognizing and healing of shame, shadows and trauma held within our body 
Gentle somatic/ energetic release
Knowing in how to move & clear energy (including the most subtle)
Release of toxins 
Deep relaxation & centeredness
Greater mindFULLness & balance
Increased inner peace
Higher level of body connectedness
Mastering #stopconnectlistentrust
Expansion of consciousness
Great for folks with ADD - due to the MOVEMENT of energy
Moving energy sexually
Reconnection after physical or emotional trauma
Helps reconnect to the body in menopause
*Body, chakra & breathwork can be intense both physical & emotional.  People who are able to dedicate 3 to 7 hrs of practice per week, find the course will completely shift their lives in body, mind & spirit connection.  If you find yourself desiring live support, I invite you to consider the private check in option.

Package Options:
All material is located on the Earth Tantra spaces/wix program app with embedded content and video links.  Course app link is sent after payment in confirmation email.  Sign up now and start anytime. 

$379:  TEACHER CERTIFICATION  2 - 6 Month Learn At Your Own Pace Virtual Course Includes 
  • All of the below AND........
  • FREE pdf of the Tantric Shadow Journal with the lower 4 chakras (sent at our 1st check in)
  • Up to 5 thirty-minute private check in sessions with Tara (4 required: 3 during the course and 1 final check in after the practicum is finished)
  • Putting it all together teaching practice in how to guide others (1.5 hr video)
  • 1 additional 1.5 hr one-on-one guidance with Tara after listening to "putting it all together"
  • Volunteer list for practicum.  You will guide at least one person from the special volunteer list before guiding someone you know.  This is done intentionally and explained why in the course.  Thank you for trusting and respecting this process.
  • 4 Hrs of practicum experience 
  • Custom home practices/ assignments 
  • Required timesheet to record hours in word, excel & pdf formats
  • 3 page suggested guidance template and tips (lesson plan sample)
  • If you complete, and turn in the 35 hr timesheet and all requirements within 6 months from purchase date, you will receive a 35 hr teacher certificate.   Can't complete in 6 months?  Add on another 6 months for only $25 at the 6 month mark.

$209:  Invest In Yourself Support Package
  • All of the below AND....
  • private group sharing app (this gives you support in staying connected with others & Tara in the app)
  • 3 thirty-minute private check in sessions with Tara
  • FREE pdf copy of the Tantric Shadow Journal with the lower 4 chakras (sent at our 1st check in)
  • Personalized guidance and suggestions to support your growth & healing process

$129:  BASIC Course Includes - I'm good at navigating myself without support​​
  • Welcome video and how to best prepare
  • 5 pre-recorded (18-35 min) instructional/ guided meditation videos (1- 2 per week/ chakra) 
  • Integration and closing video
  • Additional supplemental videos and content per week developed to deepen practice techniques for disconnect and overactive energy through elements, balance, crystals, vibration, movement, foods, colors, etc
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Recommended Regular,  and Teacher Certification Course Schedule 
Welcome - 2 to 4 days before beginning course  +schedule your 1st check in during week #1
Module #1 - Welcome, Introduction to guided practice & supportive materials to Root Chakra

Module #2 - Introduction to guided practice & supportive materials to Sacral Chakra
Module #3 - Introduction, guided practice & supportive materials to Solar Plexus Chakra
Module #4 - Introduction, guided practice &
supportive materials to Heart Chakra
Module #5 - Putting it all together Root To Hear and additional practices - end of online content
Module #6 & 7: Teacher's certification program & practicum track only

For Support Package and Teacher Certification Program, please schedule the 1st check in during the welcome or module #1 week,  then as needed.

*There is flexibility in the above time frame.  Earth Tantra suggests to complete the course in 2-4 months.  If you wait much longer than 4 months, we've witnessed the energy flow decreases with students.  
**Both basic and teacher certification course are non-refundable because everything is recor
ded and good for the lifetime of youtube or Earth Tantra. 

What other offerings are available  I'm finished with the course?  We suggest either moving onto a practitioners 100 hr training or taking one of the following... attending Earth Tantra Retreat Level 1 to put your basic tantric breathwork practice to a retreat application And/Or continue onto Opening The Higher 3 Chakras Advanced Tantric Breath.


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